Thanks for Joining Our Prospecting Team! Let's Get Mining!
At Tynans Nissan Volkswagen we realize that our best form of advertising is you, our satisfied body of customers! Realizing this, we have developed a program to thank you for sharing your positive experiences with others and recommending us to them. Our commitment is to treat your referrals with the same level of respect and dedication to satisfaction we gave you.
The sales staff at Tynans Nissan Volkswagen is excited about having you endorse or "Prospect" for us with your friends and family, and we are committed to making your "Mining Expedition" as fun and rewarding as you hope it will be.
Just think, successfully referring a couple of "Golden Nuggets" (friends, family, co-workers) per month and you could receive $4800 or more per year as our way of saying,"Thank You"! What would 4 "Golden Nuggets" per month reward you? You won't believe the possibilities!
Just click the "Start Prospecting" button below and you will see how easy it is!
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