How We Communicate with you
As you know Tynans Nissan Volkswagen is very involved in internet sales and communications. You can easily access the Prospector's Club from our website. Once you enter the Prospector's Club simply click on the member button and you will find all the information concerning the club at your fingertips. Type in your Username along with your Password and view your current standings. (Including successful referral performance, reward level, bonus rewards, and year-to-date successful referrals) We want our "Prospectors" to be "In the Know".
If you have e-mail, monthly you will receive our Prospector's Club Newsletter. It will feature some of our "Top Prospectors", a few prospecting tips and possibly some additional monthly extras.
We may also send you periodic updates to make you aware of any specials or new inventory that we may have at that time. The more you know about us the better Prospector you will be. We want our Prospectors to Mine with Heart!
You may also call Tynans Nissan Volkswagen and speak with our Prospector's Club Administrator,
Maria Martinez, at 303-341-7330 or email at We welcome and appreciate your feedback.
Well, that's it! Yes, it really is that simple.
The "Next" button will take you to our "Registration Page".
If you were "Pre-registered" by your sales person, Just close this window and, "Let's Get Mining!"
